Value Hearing Deep Dive

Hearing Aids and Whistling

Written by Jacqui Carling-Rodgers | Sep 16, 2020 11:30:31 PM

Time to read: 3 minutes


If you have hearing aids, you’ll likely to encounter hearing aid whistles.

This occurs when parts of the hearing aid are incorrectly shaped or not well placed in the ear canal and sound picked up by the hearing aid microphone and repeats  with increasing intensity. This is known as feedback.

And the causes are many, so here are some questions to ask yourself to help troubleshoot this vexing issue:

  • Is your hearing aid seated properly?
  • Is something blocking the microphone?
  • Is the BTE hearing aid tube split?
  • Is earwax a problem?
  • Is your ear mould seated properly?
  • Is your hearing aid too loud?

The answers to those questions can be found in this very helpful Value Hearing article here.

One of the first and easiest things to try is ensuring your hearing aid is seated properly. Test by moving the receiver in your ear to see if that works. It might be that excess ear hair may prevent hearing aids from seated properly.

If you think that may be a problem, we have an article here on how to manage excess ear hair.

Secondly, check to see if earwax is a significant problem. If that is a problem, we have some great articles here which may help:

Do you have any questions about hearing aids, hearing or hearing loss? We would love to hear from you. Check out our extensive blog articles here and subscribe to our YouTube Channel which is regularly updated with useful news and tips. If you have a question not answered here, let us know and it will be our pleasure to create a feature for you.